فيتامين D3
حرصت شركة ARAk NATURAL SUPPORT أن تكوّن منتجاً غني فيتامين D3 الذي يدعم صحة العظام والجهاز المناعي.
الفوائد الرئيسية Vitamin D3/فيتامين D3:
- يساعد على زيادة مستوى فيتامين D في الجسم.
- تقوية العظام وتعزيز صحتها.
- تقوية الجهاز المناعي ووظائفه في حماية الجسم من الأمراض.
- يساعد على تحسين من الحالة المزاجية.
Vitamin D3/فيتامين D3
فيتامين D3 أو ما يدعى ب (cholecalciferol) وهو من أهم الفيتامينات اللازمة لبناء أنسجة الجسم فهو يعزز كثافة العظام من خلال تحسين
امتصاص الكالسيوم من الدم، كما أن تبلغ أهميته على قدرته على رفع مستويات فيتامين D وذلك من خلال قدرة الكبد على استقلاب D3
من أجل زيادة في إنتاج كميات أكبر من مادة تدعى (calcifediol) .
بالإضافة إلى ذلك نرى أن فيتامين D3 يعزز وظائف الجهاز المناعي ويقلل من احتمالية حدوث العديد من الأمراض المزمنة كارتفاع في الضغط
الدم ، بعض أنواع السرطان ، أمراض القلب، وآلام العظام والكساح .
تحذيرات استخدام فيتامين D3:
- لا تتجاوز الجرعة الموصى بها.
- يجب على الأمهات الحوامل أو المرضعات والأطفال الذين تقل أعمارهم عن 18 عامًا والأفراد الذين يعانون من حالة طبية معروفة استشارة الطبيب قبل استخدام هذا المكمل الغذائي أو أي مكمل غذائي آخر.
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منتجات ذات صله
Arak Natural Support Company is keen to come up with a product made of the most vital vitamins from the purest sources and raw materials of the highest quality, offering a product distinguished for its effective results in enhancing the health of the heart, vessels, and nerves /Tri-B | Vitamin B1 & Vitamin B6 & VitaminB12/
The main Tri-B Tab benefits:
- Highly effective in preserving heart health and vessels
- Good efficiency in supporting nerves’ functions and Neurotransmission
- This product prevents and treats anemia and provides the body with energy.
TABLET per Container | 60 |
TABLET per Serving | 1 |
Servings per Container | 60 |
Now you can find all products by Shop Arak Natural Support.
Alpha Arbutin Brightening Serum Fade the look of dark spots, sun spots, age spots, and uneven skin tone with
this the powerful skin-lightening serum that harnesses the power of arbutin with hyaluronic acid.
When used daily, it helps inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme thus preventing melanin formation while lightening
dark spots and preventing future damage for an even brighter skin tone.
What are Alpha Arbutin Brightening Serum Benefits?
Brightens and enhances skin tone
Boosts radiance and glow
Moisturizes and moisturizes the skin
Supports the action of inhibiting melanin
Now you can find all products by Shop Arak Natural Support.
Instant Wrinkle Eraser
In young skin, the surface is smooth and ridged, so the reflected light is naturally scattered
displaying smooth and radiant skin.
The problem with wrinkles is that the resulting shadows and edges cut definition
also contrast into features, absorbing light and heightening the perception of age.
Cosmetic Solutions Wrinkle Eraser Cream is a dummy cream that fills in the gaps to perform
the natural wrinkle removal process.
Wrinkle Eraser Serum Benefits:
Fills in wrinkles and diffuses light for a brighter look
Improves soft focus through light scattering, for instant wrinkle correction
Peptides modulate synapses in facial muscles to reduce wrinkles
Provides an exceptionally soft and smooth feel
Stimulates collagen production
Now you can find all products by Shop Arak Natural Support.
Alpha Arbutin Brightening Cream Fade the look of hyperpigmentation and uneven skin tone with this powerful
brightening product made with hydrating and nourishing hyaluronic, jojoba oil, and a squalene cream base.
When used daily, it helps inhibit the tyrosinase enzyme thus preventing melanin formation while lightening
dark spots and preventing future damage.
– What are Brightening Cream Benefits?
Brightens and enhances skin tone.
Boosts radiance and glow.
Moisturizes and moisturizes the skin.
Supports the action of inhibiting melanin.
Now you can find all products by Shop Arak Natural Support.
Kiwi Gel Cream’s silky texture glides smoothly over the skin, giving you a flawless look
Rich, lightweight moisture lotion. Rich in the benefits of kiwi juice,
A nourishing fruit extract rich in essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Kiwi
Helps replenish dry skin while providing wrinkle-fighting support to help smooth skin
appearance. Its high content of plant polyphenols provides antioxidant benefits
To combat the effects of free radical stress. Vitamin C targets the signs of aging and
Helps lighten dull skin.
Kiwi Gel Cream Benefits:
Features sensory and self-leveling memory shape technology
Moisturizes and replenishes moisture
Promotes a naturally glossy finish
Provides antioxidant benefits
Now you can find all products by Shop Arak Natural Support.
Arak Natural Support Company-USA- is keen to come up with a product made of the most vital vitamins and
extracts of the purest sources and raw materials of the highest quality, offering a product distinguished for its
effective impact on skin, hair, and nails health, and its ability to preserve their beauty.
Main Glamor skin/ The Best Skin Care Products Benefits:
Enhances glass skin
Helps in growing new and healthy hair
Slows down aging
Treats hair breakage and loss
Helps in producing collagen in the skin
Helps the hair get more luminous
hair skin and nails vitamins
TABLET per Container | 60 |
TABLET per Serving | 2 |
Servings per Container | 60 |
Now you can find all products by Shop Arak Natural Support.
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